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Abby Travis autographs fans’ buttocks in Portland
28 March 2001
LA based eclectic singer/ songwriter/ multi-instrumentalist/ performance artist Abby Travis, on a US tour, was confronted by a overly enthusiastic male fan following a performance on Saturday in Portland. He insisted that she autograph his buttocks.
    Travis said, “I was reluctant at first to sign his ass because all I had was a ball point pen. The sound engineer came over with a blue sharpie and then all hell broke loose.” Keyboards player/producer Kristian Hoffman estimated that nearly half the audience then lined up to receive the same treatment. Travis continued, “I was pleased to note that Portland music fans do not have a lot of hair on their rumps.”
    Travis, who got her start in the semi-fictional band The Lovedolls, has played with Elastica, Beck, Meat Puppets, and KMFDM. She’s become an activist in raising funds for the Denver United Way’s Healing Fund, which provides teen counciling and other services, following the revelation that her KMFDM song Waste was cited as a favorite by the Columbine high school murderers.
    Travis’ current album is Cutthroat Standards & Black Pop, released on her own Educational Recordings label.
    Here are the remaining confirmed dates (more to be announced)

  4 - San Francisco (Cafe Du Nord)
  5 - Arlington, VA (IOTA)
  7 - New York city (CB’s Gallery)
  8 - Pittsburgh (Rosebud)
  9 - Cleveland (Beachland)
10 - East Lansing (Mac’s Bar)
11 - Detroit (Gold Dollar)
12 - Chicago (Morseland Music Room)
13 - Madison (Cafe Montmartre)
18 - Buffalo (Mohawk Place)
| Abby Travis | | Sunday Is The Day For Love (full length MP3) | | Desperate Teenage Lovedolls (soundtrack CD) | | United Way Denver - Healing Fund | | bio | | discography | | CD | | top of page |


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