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Peaches posts USA tour diary—describes plaster cast first
14 June 2001
Toronto natives Peaches (born Merrill Nisker) and Chili Gonzales (born Jason Beck), now both transplanted to Berlin and making music on German indie Kitty-Yo, staged a very successful US tour together last month. Peaches has just posted a brief personal diary of the experience on the Kitty-Yo site.
    Peaches and Gonzales both sop their lyrics with sexual imagery and so tend to attract a rather sexually-charged crowd at their shows. For example, Peaches writes, “I... got a lot of pink thong panties thrown at me on stage—nice ones... During the second [NYC] show Gonzo and I went into the audience during a song and people were humping us and it was freaky!!!!!”
    The highlight of the tour for Peaches was when Cynthia Plaster Caster, the very one, cast Peaches breasts in the middle of an in-store performance in Chicago, with Gonzales inviting people to catch a peek for 25 cents.
    Cynthia, famous for having taken plaster casts of the penises such artists as Jimmy Hendrix and Mick Jagger, recently started casting breasts. The casting of Peaches’ breasts was the very first done during a performance.
    Peaches, whose debut The Teaches Of Peaches came out last year, is set to perform at Denmark’s Roskilde festival on 29 June, at Belgium’s Dour festival on 5 July, and somewhere in Berlin on 15 July. Gonzales, meanwhile, plays Roskilde and Dour as well and then goes on to tour France and Switzerland into August. | Peaches tour diary on Kitty-Yo | | Peaches on | | Diddle My Skittle (full length MP3) | | discography | | sample | | top of page |


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