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Zack De La Rocha leaves Rage Against The Machine
19 October 2000
Zack De La Rocha, front man for LA political rap/metal quartet Rage Against The Machine, has quit, citing issues with the band’s decision-making process. He wrote

“I feel that it is now necessary to leave Rage because our decision-making process has completely failed. It is no longer meeting the aspirations of all four of us collectively as a band, and from my perspective, has undermined our artistic and political ideal.”
    The remaining three members—Tom Morello, Brad Wilk, and Tim Commerford—plan to continue, although they did not say whether they’d keep the band name. They released the following statement

“We’re proud of our history and what we’ve accomplished musically and politically over the last 9 years. We are committed to continuing with our efforts to effect change in the social and political arena and look forward to creating more ground breaking music for our fans. In other words, we’ll keep it loud, keep it funky and most definitely rock on.”
    De La Rocha has been active politically—this past April he travelled to Geneva, Switzerland to address the United Nations International Commission on Human Rights regarding the death penalty—and has many musical irons in the fire, with planned or in-progress collaborations with Chuck D (Public Enemy), Alec Empire (Atari Teenage Riot), and El-P (Company Flow).
    RATM’s recent activism included lending some moral support and donating a bit of cash to the Service Employees International Union during a janitorial strike in California, and making a couple of music videos with political shit-stirrer and social activist Michael Moore—Testify, which debuted in August, lampoons the US democrat/republican parties and criticizes their lock on the presidential race. | Rage Against The Machine | | discography | | sample | | top of page |


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