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Rage Against The Machine video premiere, MTV nomination
26 August 2000
Film maker, social activist, and all around shit stirrer Michael Moore directed Rage Against The Machine’s recent video Sleep Now In the Fire, whose filming made headlines in January by causing sufficient disruption on Wall Street for the New York Stock Exchange to lock all their doors during trading. Moore was detained but not officially arrested. The video is now up for the MTV Video Of The Year award on 7 September. MTV will cablecast the ceremonies live from Radio City Music Hall.
    Moore has now directed a second RATM video, Testify, which premiered yesterday. According to Moore, the video “...tells the story of a group of aliens from another planet who decide to conquer Earth by sending a mutant gene here that splits into two heads—with both of them running for president of the United States! They say the same exact things like they both support the death penalty and NAFTA and more Pentagon spending—and the pundits actually believe that they are two separate and distinct beings! Although I realize this could never happen and that intelligent humans would recognize such a ruse, I thought it would look cool to morph the 'two' candidates into one person...
    “The video names names regarding the big donors to Gore and Bush and how much they have spent to buy these 'two' candidates. The video also addresses a host of issues ignored in the election babble, such as what our sanctions are doing to the people of Iraq. Plus, the video contains footage of Rage playing outside the Democratic Convention in L.A. and the police riot that ensued afterward.” | Rage Against The Machine | | Michael Moore | | MTV | | discography | | sample | | top of page |


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